Check out our group’s two recent CATENA publications on relict charcoal hearths in CT!

Donovan*, S., Ignatiadis*, M., Ouimet, W., Dethier, D. and Hren, M., Gradients of geochemical change in relic charcoal hearth soils, Northwestern Connecticut, USA. CATENA197, p.104991. LINK

*Sally and Mary (first two authors listed), were undergraduates in the 2015-2016 Keck Geology Consortium Project: HOLOCENE ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE AND HUMAN IMPACTS IN SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND.  For a summary of that project, click here and to check more student projects, click here.

Bonhage, A., Hirsch, F., Raab, T., Schneider, A., Raab, A. and Ouimet, W., 2020. Characteristics of small anthropogenic landforms resulting from historical charcoal production in western Connecticut, USA. CATENA195, p.104896. LINK